Category Archives: Hawk Board
Wild Take Statement – Peregrines
Please see the attached statement from Hawk Board regarding limited licenses issued to take Peregrine eyases from wild to preserve breeding purity.
2019 Wild Justice Newsletter 14
Wild Justice have put an email out this evening asking their subscribers to respond to DEFRA on the general licence consultation. Below is the email newsletter (I hope it is below as the first time I sent it it wasn’t..) … Continue reading
IAF October 2019 eBulletin
International Association for Falconry and Conservation of Birds of Prey
Hawk Board Meeting October 2019
Hawk Board October 2019 meeting agenda with notes: And the minutes of the meeting:
Hawk Board Code of Conduct Final Draft
Please find attached the final draft version of the Hawk Board code of conduct.
Welsh Government: Animal Welfare
Dear all, I am writing to provide you with an update on the proposed licensing scheme for Animal Exhibits based in, and visiting, Wales. On 4th June the Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs Lesley Griffiths AM released a Statement … Continue reading
Hawk Board Code Update v5
Please find attached the updated (v5) code. Please can you comment. Gordon will complete a section for Pest Control in the next few days.
DEFRA – Consultation on Invasive Alien Species (IAS)
DEFRA: Consultation on management measures for widely spread Invasive Alien Species (IAS) in England and Wales Defra and the Welsh Government are seeking your views on proposed management measures for 14 widely spread Invasive Alien Species (IAS) found within England … Continue reading
Hawk Board Meeting June 2019
Hawk Board minutes from the June meeting. Since the meeting, there have been a number of emails about Raptor Awards. “Due to the lack of any response from RA and their general attitude of late, HB have severed all links … Continue reading
The Invasive Non-Native Species (Amendment – EU Exit) Regulations 2019
This is the second issue of the quarterly non-native species newsletter. The newsletter is intended to update stakeholders on key non-native species developments in GB. Distributed by the Hawk Board.