Category Archives: Articles
Link to disinfectants DEFRA suggest for the use against Avian Flu
Disinfectants When you go to the link please un tick Foot and Mouth, Swine TB and General then click the word Apply on the right. Foot and MouthSwine Vesicular DiseasDiseses of PoultryTuberculosisGeneral
Field Meetings and Avian Flu
From 20th December 2016 if you intend to have a field meeting you must follow certain conditions. Currently you don’t require a licence but you must follow new APHA guidance. You must notify APHA at least 7 days before a … Continue reading
Avian Influenza in poultry and wild birds STATEMENT FROM FACE 20.12.2016
Avian Influenza in poultry and wild birds STATEMENT FROM FACE 20.12.2016 The statement of the UNEP/CMS/FAO Co-Convened Scientific Task Force on Avian Influenza and Wild Birds has been published Hunters as watchdogs for the health of wildlife 7.000.000 hunters in … Continue reading
Article 10 Certificates legislation update 10th November 2016
Birds you must register You must register the following birds of prey (schedule 4 birds) if you’re their keeper: honey buzzard white-tailed eagle golden eagle goshawk marsh harrier Montagu’s harrier osprey peregrine falcon merlin You’re the keeper of any bird … Continue reading
Knife Law by Allan Gill
Hello all, I’ve been asked on several occasions to put something down in writing regarding the carrying of knives for falconry. I have been a front line serving Police Officer for the last 7 years, so the carrying of weapons … Continue reading